Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Urge and Anticipation t0 the Maximum

I have been thinkin' ab0ut my future m0re each day. Keep w0nderin' what t0m0rr0w may bring. F0ur years ag0, i had this prem0niti0n that i'm g0nna end up s0mewhere BIG. S0 i was like c0ngratulating myself in advance, with the thought that it's were i'm headin'. And it's what i DESERVE.

I've always been 0n the brighter side 0f every situation., very 0ptimistic they say. Always p0sitive. It is because i kn0w N0W what i really, really wanted in my life. And that i came t0 the p0int whererin i'm in c0ntr0l 0f my decisi0ns and n0t afraid t0 face risks. Inspite 0f the hardships and enduring 0bstacles...i have c0me t0 l0ve life and embrace c0nsequences.

I'm s0o f0cus n0w m0re than ever bef0re. Felt extra0rdinary p0werful and it's 0verwhelming t0 kn0w that i'm much t0ugher than the GIRL i used t0 be.

It seems like a different Me...but it's the same ME...0nly shield with much m0re c0nfidence and strength.

Less0n learned: d0n't just dream...Live y0ur DREAMS!

.,what y0u want t0 be in the future...depends 0n h0w y0u live y0ur life at present. :)

There's m0re t0 it. :)

Welcome To My Life - Simple Plan