.,It's true indeed that if y0u let y0urself hear y0ur heart...it will talk. F0r a m0ment I th0ught it was mind 0ver my heart. Subc0nci0usly, it is easier f0r us t0 believe that 0ne g0od thing may happen if y0u use y0ur head..especially in decisi0n-making. We're like r0b0ts, we f0ll0w what we were t0ld is right. Steps in regrets...
.,Have I linger 0n that belief.. I w0uldn't be what I am t0day. Regrets are the hardest thing t0 deal with. It can ruin every p0ssibility that will lead y0u t0 y0ur success.
.,D0n't just dream.. Reach it. :)