Thursday, May 15, 2008

f0r a friend

I have a friend wh0 j0ined a SEO contest...f0r him t0 win is t0 gain v0tes...Pls supp0rt great Pin0y talents such as these pers0n.
Heres h0w t0 v0te:

Click the links bel0w pls...



Create an acc0unt

Click "digg it" t0 v0te.

The c0ntest is until May 31,2008 0nly.
V0te n0w 0r miss ur chance.
Thnx al0t in advance.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

An0ther Chapter

I could still recall the last few days of my stay in Roxas City, the place where i had had s0o much mem0ries t0 remember.

Few days bef0re graduati0n, i was tempt t0 thr0w j0kes at my friends that I was leaving that place. Until I finally s0ught advice t0 a pers0n I c0unt as my ment0r...She used t0 tell me that I can g0 f0r miles if I aim t0 reach it. That phrase seemed to f0rce me t0 d0 s0mething m0re out 0f life.

And s0o...al0ng with my dreams, I packed my suitcase and put things int0 acti0n. I kn0w Life is Beautiful there in R0xas City but I can't be what I want t0 be if I 0pt t0 stay. With a heavyheart I left m0st 0f my friends without bidding farewell t0 them.
It was hard though because I was leaving (for a while) the m0st imp0rtant pers0n in my life.
It was raining that hard, but h0n was there t0 kiss me g0odbye. Imperfect timing, i am s0o inlove that time but the th0ught 0f us being t0gether again revives my strength.

The day I left that place was the beginning 0f I kn0w a much m0re tougher j0urney. With l0ve and pr0mises at hand...I 0pen d0ors f0r 0pp0rtunities...and welc0me risks with 0pen arms.

There's m0re t0 it. :)

Welcome To My Life - Simple Plan