Yesternight, i had this c0nversation with a very g0od friend 0f was a nightly habit bef0re...ugh..they fetch me h0me. We discussed ab0ut h0w effective bl0g is...and h0w helpful it is t0 pe0ple wh0 happen t0 be very much like me. 0h by the way he thinks the 0ther way ar0und. He c0mmented 0n h0w bad bl0g can bec0me...because he thinks it was like 0pening up y0urself t0 the w0rld..."Exactly!" i replied. Bl0g is Bl0g!...but the c0ntent y0u wr0te (whatever t0pic y0u have)...especially ab0ut y0ur way 0f living and the experiences y0u had...w0uld DEFINITELY enc0urage if n0t inspire 0thers t0 v0ice 0ut what they had in mind.
S0me pe0ple have a difficulty in expressing themselves...their em0ti0ns are the last thing they want pe0ple t0 kn0w. Which has a g0od and bad advantages. I, myself had been very secretive ab0ut my em0ti0ns...bef0re. Until I've p0sted 0n my very first bl0g 4 years ag0. It(my bl0g 0f c0urse) have been my bestfriend since then. Alm0st everything i felt that I can't share with my friends i wr0te it there. It was my way 0f escape t0 pr0blems and t0 the 0utside my bl0g I can be in my w0rld...N0 0ne kn0ws me...except MYSELF.
My friend said that Bl0g can ruin y0ur identity...pe0ple w0uld kn0w y0ur weaknesses. And they might l0se respect 0n y0u. They will think that y0u're n0t what they think y0u are.
Yes! he had his p0int there. BUT that's n0t what had happen t0 me. With my entries, i get the chance t0 interact with 0ther pe0ple wh0 happen t0 experience the same situati0n as mine. I get help t0 pe0ple i d0n't even kn0w. Strangers have v0luntarily given me advices. And eventually became my Friends.
I am n0t bl0gging here just t0 pr0ve t0 my friend that I'm right. I just want 0thers t0 kn0w that Bl0gging isn't that bad after all.
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