I had a fight with myself just this m0rning...battling 0ver when w0uld I rec0nciliate with a n0t a friend-n0t an enemy pers0n i kn0w. I am really affected with the distance that we had n0w. I kn0w the feeling is mutual. But I thought it was the best thing t0 d0 rather than c0ntinually t0rture myself. He was at first nice t0 me...and s0 I treated him the same. Eventually, we exchanges sh0rt conversations like "hi" & hell0's" & "h0w y0u d0in'?". 0h yeah, it's n0 big deal t0 y0u but t0 me (c0z i really liked the guy), it was a dream came true. We had the chance t0 get t0 kn0w each 0ther and vice versa. It's was like a fairy tale...but it didn't last. We had that "magical m0ment" but it wasn't a happy ever after. He's 0n his own n0w and i was picking myself up. It wasn't that easy...
I am n0t seeing him n0w ( atleast twice a week)...which helps. M0ving 0n is a l0ng pr0cess and the fact that he still resides in my heart makes it even m0re difficult. It seems like it's n0t g0nna end...but i've n0ticed the changes in me n0w. Seems like i'm not hating him anym0re. The pain is g0ne i kn0w. I kn0w al0ng the way i c0uld learn t0 f0rget.
I want t0 m0ve 0n...but t0 d0 that is t0 st0p the "cold war" that has built the st0ne wall between us. H0w am i g0nna d0 that? Where am I g0nna start?
"N0 way, I am n0t g0nna be the first t0 st00p d0wn! " I t0ld myself this m0rning...
0r sh0uld I?
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